Arysta LifeScience 为英国和爱尔兰市场推出两款新产品

全球农作物保护和生命科学公司 Arysta LifeScience 为英国和爱尔兰市场推出了新的生物刺激素和种子处理产品。 BM Start 是一种提高水果和蔬菜质量和产量的生物刺激素,现已在英国市场上市,而 Signal 300 ES 是一种保护种子和幼苗的强效杀虫剂,现已在爱尔兰市场上市。

BM Start 中的有效成分来自海藻

BM Start 已经在整个欧洲取得成功,它是一种基于 Physio Activator 技术的液体配方,可通过更好的座果提高养分吸收,增加果实数量和果实大小,有利于果实均匀度,并减轻压力,同时限制落花。

该产品含有 GA142,这是一种在北布列塔尼海岸线生长的海藻中发现的天然活性成分。该成分是在收获后 24 小时内使用独特的冷加工工艺从海藻中提取的,以保留新鲜海藻的活性特性并确保始终如一的高品质产品。

施用后,BM Start 中的活性成分会释放土壤中的养分,否则目标植物可能无法获得这些养分。试验表明,使用 BM Start 可以提高产量并增加顶级尺寸类别。

“Maintaining plant health is vital in enabling farmers to produce an efficient crop, and that is essentially what BM Start does by improving the plant’s overall health and ability to achieve its potential yield,” said Alison Casey, Arysta LifeScience technical lead for Vegetables. “Biostimulants and the entire BioSolutions market make a considerable contribution to sustainable agriculture, and we are proud to add these and other products to our portfolio, all of which supplement traditional crop protection products.”

BM Start 应用广泛,包括室内和室外的果树、葡萄、浆果和果类蔬菜。它与大多数杀虫剂、杀菌剂、植物生长调节剂和肥料兼容,剂量率为每公顷两升。

Signal 300 ES 创建了一个针对两种常见谷物害虫的“保护区”

Signal 300 ES 已在英国上市,现已获准在爱尔兰销售,为农民和农艺师提供了一种新的具有成本效益的替代方案,用于控制小麦和大麦上的小麦鳞茎蝇和线虫。 Signal 300 ES 通过将氯氰菊酯的杀虫和驱虫特性与独特的低粉尘配方相结合,提供出色的处理特性,从而阻止和控制作物中的这些害虫。

“Soil-borne pests can be devastating during crop establishment,” said Rob Adamson, who provides technical support for Arysta in the UK and Ireland. “Wireworms, for example, can persist for up to five years after a grass ley, and can severely damage or kill unprotected seedlings during this time. Signal 300 ES offers an excellent way to reduce this damage by creating a zone of protection which allows the crop to establish itself, improving plant populations even under the most challenging of pest infestations.”

Signal 300 ES was developed at Arysta’s Seed Treatment Centre of Excellence in Evesham, UK, and is part of Arysta’s established portfolio of seed treatment products

“With both new product introductions, Arysta LifeScience UK & Ireland delivers on its promise to bring new technology to both markets enhancing its offer beyond some of the more established crop protection products. We have made significant investments over the last 2 years in the UK & Ireland organization, more than doubling the size of the team with the aim to service our customers even better in the future and to have the right team in place to bring future innovations to the market,” says Hildo Brilleman, Head of North-West, Central and East Europe.