Acadian Plant Health 继续提供创新的生物刺激素解决方案

总部位于加拿大东部, Acadian Plant Health 在15个国家拥有员工,在全球80多个国家有销售。该公司使用海藻提取物——特别是那些来源于 叶绿素(Ascophyllum nodosum) 海洋植物——通过改善植物的生长、非生物胁迫抗性和植物营养来优化植物生长,从根系发育到收获后。一个全球综合企业 采访大卫 刀柄z,生物刺激素创新委员会联合主席 生物制品产业联盟(BPIA) 和 Acadian Plant Health 的全球法规事务总监,了解 Acadian 如何推动生物刺激剂的发展。

ABG:几十年来,Acadian Plant Health 一直专注于生物刺激剂。公司的产品在农业中扮演什么角色?

卫生署: We produce products that are derived from seaweed and marine algae for a variety of applications — animal feed, human nutrition, and more importantly, for use in commercial agriculture. And the use of seaweed in agriculture has gone on for literally hundreds, if not thousands, of years. They used to be used more as soil amendments, but in the last 60 years, companies like Acadian have been making extracts of these various seaweeds and using them as either foliar sprays or through irrigation as a way to help plants grow better.


Acadian Plant Health 全球监管事务总监 David Hiltz。

卫生署: 对于像我们产品这样的产品如何融入全球农用化学品监管计划,从来没有任何明确的途径。通常,当您谈论作物投入时,您会使用直接为植物提供氮、磷、钾或微量营养素的肥料产品。另一方面,您拥有旨在帮助植物战胜病虫害的农化产品——杀菌剂、杀虫剂和杀虫剂。

And in the middle, you had this category of products that was designed to be used with both of these pillars of agricultural inputs. But they aren’t really a fertilizer; they’re not giving nutrients to the plant. They’re not really a pesticide because they’re not directly acting to treat a disease or repel an insect. So that left companies like Acadian trying to figure out how to bring these products to the marketplace.


卫生署: So, it left us kind of in a regulatory quagmire. And that’s where in the U.S. and even globally around the world, companies like Acadian have come together with some of our colleagues and formed industry alliances to lobby regulators to say there needs to be a category of products for plant biostimulants. That term popped up about just about 20 years ago.



卫生署: Europe is an established biostimulant market. People have been using biostimulants in Europe for 50 years or more, but even though it’s well established, there’s an area prime for growth because of initiatives that show they want to increase the amount of organic agriculture in Europe.

The EU wants to limit the amount of synthetic chemicals and pesticides going into the environment. So, even though that’s an established market, it’s a market that is poised for significant growth.



卫生署: 我还记得在参加贸易展览会时,一些大型化工公司的代表会走过来看着你说,“哦,你们卖什么?”


We just got that “look.” That has changed. Progressive companies like Acadian and our good competition out there have provided a lot of science to show that these products aren’t snake oil.



卫生署: These products can help with a lot of the challenges that are around the world right now. With climate change, we’re seeing increased periods of drought or availability of water. These are things that biostimulants can help with.