BeCrop 试验重新定义了生物刺激素公司的土壤洞察

生物群落制造者 正在通过协助投入品制造商验证和优化其生物投入品对土壤微生物组的性能来改变农业产业。通过其创新的 BeCrop 技术,Biome Makers 使制造商能够释放其产品的全部潜力。这种开创性的方法得到了行业专家和农民的认可,包括先正达、Disagro、UPL、拜耳和加州大学戴维斯分校等。

Rhett Cinquini 是第五代农民,也是 LIVENTIA Biostimulants 的美国业务发展和农业主管,他亲身体验了使用 BeCrop 的显着好处。 Cinquini 与 Biome Makers 合作,在全年的不同时间点在多个杏仁和核桃田中进行了一系列 BeCrop 土壤测试。结果令人震惊。

根据 BeCrop 土壤测试 revealed significant boosts in tree development, increased root growth, optimized nutrient potential, and decreased farm costs within just six weeks of implementing recommendations based on the BeCrop soil data. These findings not only validated the effectiveness of LIVENTIA’s products but also provided valuable insights for further optimization. Cinquini, managing his 3,000-acre almond and walnut orchards, witnessed firsthand how BeCrop revolutionized his farm management approach.

According to Cinquini, “BeCrop is a metric of impact. It measures the impact of our products on the soil and the crop. The soil biology data tells us when and where it is most efficient to apply LIVENTIA products. Being able to use BeCrop has been a huge advantage for us and really solidifies us as a reputable company in the biological space.”

To showcase the success achieved through BeCrop Technology, a customer success video featuring Rhett Cinquini has been released. In this captivating video, Cinquini explains his adoption of Biome Makers’ BeCrop technology, highlighting the impact of LIVENTIA’s products on the soil microbiome and providing proof of their efficiency to LIVENTIA’s customers. The video serves as a testament to the power of BeCrop in transforming agricultural practices.

Watch Rhett Cinquini’s customer success video here to witness the transformative power of BeCrop: LIVENTIA 生物刺激剂,Biome Makers 的客户成功