Seipasa 在哥伦比亚获得 Pirecris 和 Seican 的新植物检疫登记

西班牙公司 Seipasa 专门从事农业生物杀虫剂、生物杀菌剂和生物刺激剂的开发和配方,其农药已获得植物检疫注册 皮雷克里斯塞坎 在哥伦比亚。

该认证由哥伦比亚农业和畜牧业研究所 (ICA) 批准,使公司能够通过两种解决方案加强其在哥伦比亚市场的产品组合,这些解决方案为控制具有高影响的螨虫、疾病和害虫提供最大的功效和成本效益在庄稼上。

Pirecris 是一种生物杀虫剂,对防治粉虱、蓟马、蚜虫和蝉科等害虫具有强大的冲击作用。由于 PI 和 PII 分子之间形成活性物质的完美平衡,它的设计基于独家配方,并为大田作物和温室作物提供最大的杀虫效果。

Seican 是一种广谱杀螨剂、杀菌剂和植物源杀虫剂,具有三种不同的互补作用模式。它起效迅速,并保证在低剂量下具有高水平的疗效,这使其成为治疗计划中非常具有成本效益的工具。

Both Seican and Pirecris have been developed in line with Seipasa’s Natural Technology model.  These solutions are compatible with auxiliary fauna and have short preharvest intervals.

Reinforcement of Seipasa’s Brand in Colombia

For José Luis Egas, Seipasa’s Latin America Business Unit Manager, the arrival of these new registrations lays the first stone for building the company’s ambitious project in Colombia. “Seipasa started distributing its products in the Colombian market just over a year ago and today we are presenting two new solutions that provide an enormous qualitative leap in our production portfolio in the country,” Egas explained.

Seipasa’s Latin America Business Unit Manager adds that Pirecris and Seican are “two amply effective solutions with an extensive international track record, designed to protect crops. They have been tested in agricultural systems worldwide and have obtained phytosanitary registration in other countries, which reinforces their soundness and their trustworthiness for Colombian farmers.”

José Luis Egas 还表示,随着这两个新的植物检疫登记的到来,Seipasa 能够履行其对哥伦比亚生产商的承诺,即为他们配备能够提供最大功效和成本效益的工具,以保护高价值作物,例如如鳄梨、大米、土豆、咖啡、香蕉或鲜花等。

Both Pirecris and Seican will be distributed through Agromilenio’s sales network in Colombia.