
据报道,委内瑞拉已开始一项利用越南技术种植水稻的项目 泰国新闻.越南的方法是在稻田之间的水道中用鱼代替化肥,该方法将在 Apure 州的 65,000 公顷的试点项目中进行试验。官员们希望该方法能够将作物产量提高多达 30%。


President Hugo Chavez — who has started a program to make Venezuela self-sufficient in staple foods — praised the “great advances” in agriculture achieved by the Vietnamese, whom he called a “fighting people”. Chavez said the agreement with Vietnam would allow Venezuela to “increase … (rice) productivity by 30%, (provide) environmental benefits and (create) new jobs” in the region.


Nguyen Van Bo, head of Vietnam’s 农科院,表示两国将继续推进杂交水稻品种和农业技术的发展。 Apure 项目将使用几种由委内瑞拉和越南种子培育的杂交水稻。