
Food security is a current and future priority for all countries worldwide. Since the food crisis and the G8 Agricultural Ministerial Meeting in L’Aquila, a large number of global and regional food security initiatives have been launched or strengthened in response. While these developments are welcome, improving policy and implementation coherence is essential to ensure programs have the desired impacts. As the food crisis of 2008 showed, governments, businesses, scientists and civil society need to focus on the sources of our food and nutrition security. To avoid such events, all these groups must work together to enable the millions of farm families, especially smallholders and women farmers, to increase crop production sustainably through the maintenance of effective markets, more collaborative research, and deliberate knowledge sharing.

肥料行业致力于建立联盟和伙伴关系,使全世界的农民能够获得投入、知识、技术和能力。国际化肥工业协会(如果一个), 作为联合主席 务农为先 联盟,开始对这些许多举措进行规划和分析,并呼吁 2010 年 6 月 25 日至 26 日在马斯科卡举行会议的八国集团领导人:

  • 通过政策和行动的一致性,促进在全球层面明确共同关注粮食安全的共同目标;
  • 鼓励提高透明度,说明已承诺提供多少资金以及用于哪些类型的方案;和
  • 让广泛的利益相关者参与进来,以确保这些努力是协调的、明确的、协作的,并最终

在清单中列出的 16 项举措中, 农业优先粮食安全倡议指南, IFA and Farming First are closely monitoring the developments of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Task Force on Global Food Security Crisis, the Committee on World Food Security and the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program. For some of these initiatives, IFA participates with its partners as an observer or may be consulted on a more informal basis.

IFA 认为,必须提高农业生产力并以可持续的方式增加粮食产量,才能找到全球粮食安全的短期和长期解决方案。提高农业生产力的核心是农业投入,其中包括化肥。该行业坚持认为,通过提高养分利用效率和传播良好的农业实践,例如肥料最佳管理实践和综合植物养分管理,提高产量和保护环境可以齐头并进。


  • 粮食安全是全球所有国家当前和未来的首要任务
  • 农民需要成为新战略的中心。
  • Governments should invest in their agricultural sectors and policies encouraging investment in developing countries’ agriculture should be supported.
  • Governments should devise long‐term agricultural development strategies supporting the development of local agricultural markets and the farmers’ ability to answer market demands.
  • 在保持和建设环境可持续性的同时,必须尽可能提高大多数发展中国家的生产力水平。
  • 应通过向农民提供他们所需的技术、知识、市场信息和充分的金融服务来刺激本地生产。
  • 女性农民应成为特别目标接受者,因为她们在农业劳动力、家庭食品采购和准备以及家庭单位支持中发挥着重要作用
  • 粮食安全是一个复杂的问题,需要长期共同努力。需要与农民协商协调和实施国际、区域和国家政策。

Through the Farming First platform, the fertilizer industry has been highlighting innovative initiatives implemented by some of IFA’s members to address food security and target smallholder farmers in developing countries. Most of these examples showcase effective public-private partnerships involving a variety of agricultural actors, but also actors from other sectors such as education, research, health and telecommunications. Some projects can be carried out by the private sector alone, but business needs to work hand-in-hand with governments if we want to make a dramatic difference in the lives of millions of people.

IFA’s President, Ajay Shriram, addressed the United Nations General Assembly on June 15, 2010 at the Informal Interactive Hearings with Civil Society, Non-Governmental Organizations and the Private Sector on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in New York. His statement emphasized the role of agriculture and of farmers in achieving the MDGs, in particular MDG 1 of halving hunger by 2015. Mr. Shriram was the only representative of the agricultural
sector. Such events are important for the fertilizer industry to demonstrate its contribution to global issues, such as food security and rural development. In addition, IFA has been actively engaged for the past two years in the climate change negotiations, advocating for the inclusion of the agricultural sector in the framework convention because of its importance to protect food security while reducing agricultural emissions. Promoting the fertilizer industry and demonstrating its importance for the international community is at the centre of IFA’s public affairs efforts.

农业优先粮食安全倡议指南: http://www.farmingfirst.org/foodsecurity/
Ajay Shriram’s speech to the UN: http://www.fertilizer.org/ifa/Home-Page/MEDIA/Press-releases-2010/15-June-2010
Farming First 制定的六项原则旨在提供可持续战略,通过强调农业生产力和可持续性来确保粮食安全。要了解有关 First First 六项原则的更多信息: www.farmingfirst.org