Regen Ag Lab 和 Biome Makers 的合作伙伴关系扩大了北美的生物土壤分析

再生农业实验室 宣布了与以下公司的合作伙伴关系的一个重要里程碑 生物群落制造者,公司自豪地在其最先进的实验室破土动工,接受 BeCrop samples. With the licensing of Biome Makers’ cutting-edge BeCrop technology, Regen Ag Lab offers customers an unparalleled level of insight into their soil ecosystems including crucial factors such as nutrient cycling and mobilization, disease risk assessment, and biodiversity assessment.

The integration of BeCrop technology into Regen Ag Lab’s repertoire of services represents a transformative leap forward in the field of soil analysis. Moreover, Regen Ag Lab is committed to ensuring that farmers and industry professionals have convenient access to cutting-edge testing services. In line with this commitment, Regen Ag Lab is expanding its physical presence to accommodate the surge in demand for its new offerings. This expansion will include additional laboratory space, advanced equipment, and an expert team of scientists dedicated to delivering accurate and timely results.

“Our partnership with Biome Makers has been nothing short of transformative,” said Lance Gunderson, Owner, Regen Ag Lab. “Together, we are reshaping the landscape of biological soil analysis by unlocking the immense potential of the soil microbiome. The opening of our lab for BeCrop testing signifies a significant step forward in our joint mission to provide farmers and agronomists with invaluable insights that drive sustainable, regenerative agriculture.”

Regen Ag Lab 和 Biome Makers 邀请农民、农学家和农业利益相关者利用这一突破性的合作伙伴关系。 “通过利用 BeCrop 技术的力量,我们可以共同努力释放土壤的真正潜力,为土壤健康和农业更加可持续和繁荣的未来铺平道路。”生物群系制造者。