
Valagro 是生物刺激素和特种营养素生产和营销领域的领导者,位于巴西圣保罗州的 Pirassununga 工厂正式落成。

新工厂占地面积30,000平方米,拥有两条生物刺激素和水溶性肥料的生产和包装生产线。其最大生产能力达到每年 50,000 吨,并具有很高的存储能力。总的来说,为了追求更高的可持续性,Valagro 的基本价值,Pirassununga 工厂是根据严格的标准建造的,这些标准保证了效率和生态可持续性(减少能源消耗,雨水再利用,再生水,以及管理和正确处理废物)。

由于这些特点,投资 1000 万欧元建成的 Pirassununga 工厂现在不仅是巴西,而且是整个南美市场的 Valagro 解决方案的战略生产和物流基地。

Giuseppe Natale, Valagro CEO, said: “The inauguration of the new plant in Brazil is an important goal of Valagro and, at the same time, the beginning of a journey of growth driven by the will to assert itself with a key role in the world agricultural market. An ambitious goal that we can achieve only if we continue to improve our ability to meet the specific needs of our customers, guaranteeing their productivity and sustainability. The new production plant in Brazil will allow us to meet these needs more efficiently and effectively, and better serve the strategically important markets throughout South America.”

Victor Sonzogno, Country Manager Valagro do Brasil. added: “By leveraging the production capacity of the new plant, we can consolidate the presence of Valagro within the markets where we are already present and reach new markets where we can guarantee a qualified supply of ever more innovative and sustainable solutions for the special nutrition of crops. In particular, one of the markets in which we intend to establish ourselves is that of row crops, for which Valagro has recently created and launched its innovative and specific nutritional solution, YieldON.”