
先正达宣布推出 Epivo 品牌系列,这是一系列通过种子处理解决非生物胁迫的新型生物刺激素。

Epivo 的首批销售将于今年在巴西销售大豆,在中国销售玉米。然后种子处理将迅速扩展到其他作物和地区。

“Over the last five years Syngenta has developed abiotic stress management testing capabilities to simulate drought, heat, cold and nutrient stresses. Seed treatment products resulting from this R&D platform are now commercialized under the Epivo brand in combination with other Seedcare products to improve plant growth while addressing difficult-to-control pathogens, insects and nematodes,” the company said.

Epivo 产品通过为植物提供微量营养素和生物刺激素化合物以及激活土壤微生物群落来刺激幼苗发育。由此产生的自然共生循环会产生抗逆性植物。据先正达称,拉丁美洲广泛的田间试验表明,在广泛的条件下,大豆种植者的平均产量效益为 5%。

Ioana Tudor, Syngenta Global Head of Seedcare, said “Syngenta has always been at the forefront in delivering innovation through seed applied fungicides, insecticides and nematicides – as well as through our focus on root health. We see soil productivity as a major new opportunity to make crops more efficient, stress tolerant and higher yielding.”
