
随着 2050 年在不远的将来来临,全世界都想知道行业专业人士期望如何养活 90 亿人。大规模生产和可持续实践之间的谨慎平衡在决策者的肩上摇摇欲坠。在密苏里州堪萨斯城的希尔顿酒店,农业技术生产者和分销商委员会开会以更好地理解和促进可持续实践,以及该短语真正含义的三重定义。

The Biopesticide Industry Alliance’s (BPIA) Bill Dunham explained that it’s not as simple as just taking care of the Earth, he said. “Sustainability has a triple bottom line: people, prosperity, and the planet.”

In clearer terms, Dunham is alluding to the simple fact that sustainability isn’t just about saving a few gallons of water a day. It means promoting ecological awareness in a way that protects economic interests and ensures that end users and consumers understand the role crop inputs have played in protecting them.

邓纳姆说,最能满足解决农业可持续性问题的三重任务的作物投入是生物农药。虽然国际金融公司、Bioworks 和拜耳等主要化学公司近年来已投入数百万美元在生物领域展开竞争,但邓纳姆表示,在促进采用环保和提高产量的技术方面,仍有许多工作要做作物投入。

1) Branding: Dunham emphasizes that while it’s good to mark a product as sustainable, it is equally, if not more, important to include information as to what it really means to provide a low/no residue brand.

2) 创新和绿色工作:行业立法不断变化和发展。邓纳姆说,跟上立法趋势并支持持续立法以激励研究和开发。

3) 种植者计划:尽管许多公司都将生物农药纳入其产品组合,但最终做出购买决定的是种植者。为了帮助他们了解使用这些产品的重要性,Dunham 建议与美国农业部保护计划和欧盟可持续使用指令等政府计划合作,以促进使用生物农药的好处。

4) Production Definition: Drawing the correlation between sustainability and biopesticides is key to solidifying the relationship. “We need to add to the definition of sustainable agriculture to include that it means the program is using a signifigant portion of biopesticides in production.”

5) Definition of Standards: Growers have complex limits they must pay extremely close attention to. Publicizing the fact that biopesticides are exempt from MRL tolerances will help companies get into growers’ crop input rotation.