John Brennan 被任命为 EuropaBio 新任秘书长

EuropaBio 已宣布 John Brennan 自 6 月 19 日星期一起担任其新任秘书长。

EuropaBio 董事长 Carlo Incerti 表示:“我们很高兴 John 加入,并相信 EuropaBio 和整个欧洲生物技术行业将从他在生命科学行业的成就、专业知识和领导力记录中受益匪浅。”

Commenting on his appointment, Brennan added: “To me it is very clear that the role and impact of biotechnology in today’s and future society will continue to grow. Therefore, it is of great importance to continue an open, fair and constructive dialogue with all players involved to make sure that society, including the biotech industry, thrives in a way that benefits all. It will be a real privilege to join EuropaBio’s members and team in working together to contribute to a thriving Europe and its biotech industry”.

自 2008 年以来,Brennan 一直在医疗技术贸易协会 MedTech Europe 工作,作为法规和产业政策主任,他制定并实施了监管和产业政策以及宣传战略。在此之前,他在欧盟委员会工作了四年,在负责欧洲化妆品和医疗器械立法的部门工作。在委员会任职期间,他在国际监管合作方面也有特别的经验。 Brennan 在医疗保健行业的监管机构和工业方面拥有超过 25 年的经验。

Prior to coming to Brussels, Brennan worked in the Irish National Standards Authority, NSAI, (9 years). Here his responsibilities included managing NSAI’s ‘Notified Body’ activities gaining him extensive European and international experience in the design and quality systems approval of high-risk medical devices and standards development. He began his career in the industry with six years’ experience spanning the in vitro diagnostic, pharmaceutical and medical device industries.

Brennan 是爱尔兰都柏林的一名理科毕业生,并在质量控制和环境工程方面进行了研究生学习。