葡萄牙:Seipasa 生物杀虫剂标签扩展到控制浆果中的果蝇

赛帕萨,这家专门从事农业生物杀虫剂、生物杀真菌剂和生物刺激素开发和配方的西班牙公司,已在葡萄牙为其生物杀虫剂 Pirecris 获得了植物检疫注册的延期。

该新认证适用于控制 铃木果蝇,通常被称为斑点翼果蝇,在浆果上,并增加了该产品在葡萄牙的现有登记,用于控制各种作物中的蚜虫、粉虱和叶蝉,例如较小的绿叶蝉。

Pirecris 是一种生物杀虫剂,采用独特的配方设计,这要归功于构成其活性物质的 PI 和 PII 分子之间的完美平衡,使其对田间和温室种植的作物具有最大的杀虫效果。


除了葡萄牙,Pirecris 还在西班牙、法国、意大利、希腊、塞浦路斯、墨西哥和摩洛哥等国家注册。

Pepe Martínez, Seipasa’s business development manager for Europe, welcomes this extension of the product label and highlights the product’s proven efficacy in controlling and eliminating pests.

铃木果蝇 is a pest that has spread very quickly throughout most European countries. It causes significant crop losses and is particularly damaging to red berry crops. I believe I am right in stating that Pirecris is the solution that berry producers have been waiting for to control this pest,” José Martínez explained.


Seipasa’s business development manager for Europe stressed that with this new extension of the Pirecris product label in Portugal, Seipasa is able to offer berry producers a solution with broad effectiveness in combatting pests that pose the greatest threat to crops.

“Pirecris comes under Seipasa’s Natural Technology brand, with an exclusive, innovative formulation to respond to all types of pest control situations with great efficacy and precision. Pirecris also degrades quickly and has a short preharvest interval. “It is ideal,” José Martinez adds, “for use in integrated pest management programs and organic production systems.”

Seipasa’s business development manager for Europe underlined the product’s extensive, proven international track record, and explained that it has obtained phytosanitary registration in eight countries, also pointing out that a new extension of the label is due to be approved in the next few months for its use on high value-added crops in strategic European markets.

“Pirecris is a product that we are constantly building on and enhancing. The fact that it has phytosanitary registrations for agricultural systems in different countries worldwide, some of which with very diverse climate and environment conditions, allows us to amass a great deal of experience and knowledge, helping us improve Pirecris as an effective, precise solution,” he concluded.