Agrolab 与 BioScience Solutions 达成生物农药合作协议

Agrolab 和 BioScience Solutions 宣布就开发 生物农药.

哈里·泰歇尔,BioScience Solutions 的所有者和创始人,在生物农药以及测试和开发这些天然物质所面临的挑战方面拥有丰富的经验。

Agrolab 拥有在北欧进行试验和植物保护产品注册数据要求的经验。

Agrolab 的所有者兼首席执行官 Martin Gejl 表示:“通过此次合资与合作,我们能够将客户对生物农药开发的支持提升到一个新的水平。” “通过这种方式,我们可以利用 Harry Teicher 在生物农药开发方面的丰富经验和 Agrolab 丰富的现场试验经验,并结合起来实现更好的生物农药试验和开发成功率。”

“AgChem companies are expanding their biopesticide R&D and portfolios in response to stricter pesticide regulatory requirements, consumer awareness regarding hazards caused by chemical pesticides, and the growing commercial success of biology-based crop protection strategies,” added Harry Teicher. “For the design of biopesticide efficacy trials and the successful introduction of these products, we can advise our clients on critical decision-making parameters for the strategic viability of the tested product, including biopesticide mode-of-action and application timing as well as evaluation parameters.”