Marrone Bio Innovations 的新型生物杀菌剂获得 EPA 批准

Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. 是一家为农业、草坪、观赏植物和水处理市场提供基于生物的害虫防治和植物健康产品的供应商,其最新的生物杀菌剂 Stargus 已获得美国环境保护署的批准。

该产品是 MBI 在 11 年内第六次商业化的产品,它基于一种新菌株 解淀粉芽孢杆菌 由 MBI 发现,针对霜霉病、白霉病、 葡萄孢属 灰霉病和束腐病。该杀菌剂还可以控制致病性土壤真菌,包括诸如 镰刀菌和丝核菌,如美国、加拿大和欧洲的现场试验所示。 Stargus™ 是新品牌名称,将专注于葡萄和绿叶蔬菜等特种作物。它还将被标记为用于根茎类和球茎类蔬菜,如土豆、胡萝卜和洋葱。 MBI 预计将在获得国家注册后进行首次销售。

Growers have few choices of products that perform well on the group of fungi that cause downy mildews on grapes, potatoes, leafy greens and other crops, as well as white molds on leafy greens, succulent and dry beans. Adding to the challenge, these crop disease-causing plant pathogens have also developed resistance to major chemistry classes of conventional pesticides.  Stargus™ is the result of MBI’s directed screening discovery program to find a solution that addresses such a specific market need. This product is also complementary and additive to the broad spectrum of diseases covered by MBI’s first biofungicide, Regalia®,为广泛的植物病原体提供坚实的一二拳。 MBI 和合作伙伴也正在对此进行测试 芽孢杆菌用于种子处理应用的产品。

“We knew that new solutions for downy mildews were badly needed, so our team of scientists set out to find one,” said Dr. Pam Marrone, MBI’s Founder and CEO. “Our screening platform tested more than 16,000 microbes against important plant pathogens and discovered this novel candidate with a broad spectrum of performance and stand-out activity against downy mildews, 葡萄孢属 gray mold/bunch rots and white molds. This is the sixth EPA-registered product that MBI has brought to market on only 11 years, which is an unparalleled accomplishment.”

Tests conducted at MBI’s research and development lab show that Stargus™ works by colonizing plant root hairs, leaves and other plant surfaces thereby preventing establishment of fungal and bacterial pathogens, including 镰刀菌, 核盘菌属、葡萄孢属、丝核菌属、 菌核.额外的研发表明,这种细菌还会产生天然化合物,其中一些会抑制细菌和真菌菌丝体的生长,以及孢子萌发。此外,细菌会引发植物的系统获得性抗性并诱导系统反应,从而培育出更健康、更强壮的植物来抵御疾病并促进生长和产量。 MBI 已获得 Stargus™ 中使用的新型菌株的专利。

田间研究表明对霜霉病有效, 葡萄孢属 葡萄上的串腐病和黑腐病,葫芦上的霜霉病,土豆上的粉腐病,白霉病和晚疫病, 尾孢属 甜菜上的叶斑病, 镰刀菌 西红柿和芹菜,大豆、向日葵、豆类、生菜和油菜上的白色霉菌,以及土豆上的土壤施用以控制 丝核菌属广腐疫霉 (粉红腐烂)。 MBI 还在测试种子处理应用,并正在研究草坪和装饰市场的应用。成功的现场试验已在美国、墨西哥、加拿大和欧洲进行。

该生物杀真菌剂产品已提交加拿大和墨西哥审批,正在为拥有最大葡萄霜霉病市场的欧洲准备档案。在法国,根据年份的不同,估计葡萄产量会因霜霉病而减少多达 50%。