Marrone Bio Innovations 向 EPA 提交生物杀真菌剂

Marrone Bio Innovations, Inc. 表示已向美国环境保护署提交了一种新型生物杀菌剂 (MBI-110)。

广谱产品 MBI-110 因其对霜霉病和白霉病的活性而特别引人注目,美国、加拿大和欧洲两年的田间试验表明了这一点。

Growers have few choices of products that perform well on the group of fungi that cause downy mildew on grapes, potatoes, leafy greens and other crops. MBI-110 is the result of MBI’s directed screening discovery program to find a solution that addresses this specific market need. This product is also complementary to the diseases covered by Marrone Bio Innovations’ first biofungicide, Regalia.

“We knew that new solutions for downy mildew were badly needed, so our team of scientists set out to find one,” said Dr. Pam Marrone, Founder and CEO of Marrone Bio Innovations. “Our screening platform tested more than 16,000 microbes against important plant pathogens and discovered this novel candidate with a broad spectrum of performance and stand-out activity against downy mildews.”

MBI-110中的活性成分是一种新菌株 解淀粉芽孢杆菌,一种由 Marrone Bio Innovation 科学家从美国土壤样本中分离出来的细菌。虽然这种类型的 芽孢杆菌 is common in soil and other products contain the same species, MBI’s discovery is unique in its performance on downy mildews, white molds and 葡萄孢属 灰霉病。公司拥有MBI-110新型菌株的已授权专利。

Tests conducted at Marrone Bio Innovations’ research and development lab show that MBI-110 works by colonizing plant root hairs, leaves and other plant surfaces thereby preventing establishment of fungal and bacterial pathogens, including 核盘菌属、Macrophomina、Eutypa、Botrytis、Rhizoctonia、 菌核.

额外的实验室测试表明,这种细菌还会产生天然化合物,其中一些会抑制细菌和真菌菌丝体的生长以及孢子萌发。随后的实地研究证实了对葡萄和葫芦的霜霉病和黑腐病、马铃薯粉腐病和晚疫病的良好效果, 尾孢属 甜菜上的叶斑病,大豆、向日葵、豆类、生菜和油菜上的白色霉菌。