Nufarm 将在澳大利亚和新西兰分销 Marrone 的 Grandevo

Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. 和 Nufarm Australia Limited 宣布签署商业协议,开发 GRANDEVO 生物杀虫剂,Nufarm 成为澳大利亚和新西兰的独家经销商。

Grandevo 是新一代产品,可帮助种植者有效地保护他们的作物免受咀嚼式和吮吸式昆虫和螨虫的侵害,包括粉虱、蓟马、粉虱、草盲蝽、粘虫和其他害虫。 GRANDEVO 中的活性成分是一种独特的无生命细菌,在发酵制造过程中会产生杀虫化合物。

GRANDEVO 在 IPM 计划中提供抗性管理,同时不伤害益虫和传粉者。它还免除了食品耐受性的要求,并为受最大残留水平限制的出口作物的晚季害虫控制提供了有效的解决方案。

Dr. Pam Marrone, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Marrone Bio Innovations said, “The completion of this agreement with Nufarm is the first of many agreements we expect in the execution of our growth strategy by expansion into receptive international markets.”

Royden Hearn, ANZ Lead Portfolio Solutions at Nufarm said, “We are excited to be working with MBI and see GRANDEVO as an exciting step forward in integrating biorationals into what we do. Combining this innovative product with Nufarm’s expertise in trees, nuts, vines and vegetables will have a positive impact for farmers who need to do more with less.”

“Nufarm has recently celebrated 100 years of servicing the ANZ market and continues to work with our channel partners, as a reliable supplier of competitively positioned quality products that meet the needs of a diverse range of growers. We continue to innovate and develop within Nufarm and work with partners, such as MBI, to deliver innovative products to a market that continues to change.”

澳大利亚和新西兰对 GRANDEVO 来说都是重要的机遇。这些市场的园艺作物保护收入估计每年超过 AUD$400m(USD$300m)(来源:Nufarm 估计)。