Valent USA 成立可持续解决方案业务部门

Valent USA LLC 推出了可持续解决方案业务部,这是公司内部的一个新部门,完全致力于支持行业采用和整合可持续生产实践,以保护作物、提高生产力和提高产量的产品和技术。

新任命的可持续解决方案业务部总监 Ron Maitoza 将领导一支由来自全国各地的 10 名可持续解决方案专家组成的专门团队。他们将与行业内的老牌客户和主要利益相关者合作,提供教育和技术支持,以加速采用包括传统和生物合理系统在内的综合作物管理解决方案。

作为提供基于生物的作物保护和增强解决方案的市场领导者,Valent 及其母公司 Sumitomo Chemical 长期致力于可持续发展和综合生产实践的概念。

“Valent and Sumitomo are unique in our industry, because we have a long history of significant and balanced investments in marketing and research for both traditional and biorational crop solutions,” said Matt Plitt, Valent Executive Vice President and COO. “A commitment to sustainability is at the core of our business, and the formation of a dedicated business unit underscores our intention to play a leadership role in supporting the evolution of sustainable production practices in the agriculture industry.”

这个新业务部门是 Valent 及其母公司住友化学对可持续发展做出的最新承诺之一,此前两家公司都在全球范围内认可了联合国可持续发展目标。

“With seasoned expertise in sustainable agricultural practices, we are investing in our company values, talent and business structure to align with the future of North American agriculture and, ultimately, the prosperity and success of growers,” added Ron Maitoza. “Our business unit will work hand in hand with industry to provide new tools and information to growers in order to support sustainable food systems.”