Certis Europe 与 Ceradis 签署 CeraSulfur 独家经销协议

认证欧洲Ceradis Crop Protection BV 已宣布他们已签订独家经销协议,在匈牙利、捷克共和国和斯洛伐克经销 Ceradis 的新型创新生物硫杀菌剂 CeraSulfur。

Certis Europe 是欧洲领先的生物理性公司,其经验丰富的团队在中欧和东欧国家开展工作,为农民和种植者提供支持。它最初的重点是在喷雾计划中实施 CeraSulfur,以控制葡萄的白粉病和小麦的针壳菌。

CeraSulfur SC 是一种开创性的产品,是第一种从农业来源中提取的硫磺杀菌剂。硫是由细菌产生的,该细菌将沼气生产的副产品硫化氢 (H2S) 转化为元素硫。由于该过程的来源是农场废物,这种有机循环(“农场到农场”)硫具有不同的化学结构和更小的粒径,使其比传统硫更有效。与疏水性的传统硫磺不同,它还具有亲水性,使其更容易处理和与其他产品结合。

总而言之,CeraSulfur 为种植者提供了无尘、残留物少、混合性好、罐清洁方便以及相同功效应用所需的硫量较低的优点。这种独特的专利产品在著名的 2020 年法国 Sival 创新大赛中荣获铜奖。

“We are proud to bring innovation to one of crop protection’s oldest active ingredients, Sulfur. We see a strong interest in CeraSulfur. After launching in France and Italy, we have recently added more countries and more distributors. Now, we look forward to working with Certis Europe to ensure a successful launch of CeraSulfur in Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia and to potentially add more countries and products to our cooperation,” states Willem-Jan Meulemeesters, CEO of Ceradis.

“CeraSulfur is an innovative product that meets the trend in conventional and organic farming to use active ingredients from sustainable sources and production and has proved its efficacy in field trials. We are very pleased to collaborate with Ceradis and work with them to help realize our vision for the future of crop protection in Europe,” says Pedro Michelin, Portfolio Product Manager of Certis Europe.