Seipasa 通过三项新的植物检疫登记加强其在墨西哥的业务


Seipasa 已扩大其 Pirecris 生物杀虫剂的使用范围,以对抗蓟马、辣椒象鼻虫和灰甘蓝蚜虫。该产品已经注册用于针对多种蔬菜的蚜虫和粉虱的植物保护,现在注册用于对抗危害作物的害虫的新用途,例如智利辣椒、葡萄藤和鲜食葡萄、红浆果、西兰花和花椰菜等.

Pirecris 是一种害虫控制生物杀虫剂,具有强大的冲击效果。它是基于天然除虫菊酯和独特的配方开发的,这得益于 PI 和 PII 分子之间的完美平衡,使该杀虫剂在大田作物和温室作物等方面具有高度的有效性。

Seipasa has also announced the new phytosanitary registration in Mexico of Seipa System, a systemic biofungicide of botanical origin for prevention and control of diseases with a high impact on vegetable crops, vines, and berries, amongst others. Seipa System provides a threefold defence against fungi that attack plants: it stimulates the plant’s natural defences and strengthens the leaf epidermis while inactivating the microbial enzymes of plant-pathogenic fungi.


这家西班牙公司还扩大了其植物保护注册产品的目录, 塞坎,一种植物来源的广谱杀螨剂、杀真菌剂和杀虫剂,对控制侵袭蔬菜作物、葫芦科、浆果、柑橘类水果或鳄梨等的害虫和疾病具有强大的冲击作用。除墨西哥外,该产品还被列入美国植保产品登记册。

For Carlos Castro, Seipasa’s Sales Manager in Mexico, the new plant protection registrations reinforce the company’s presence and widen the range of solutions it can now offer in Mexico.

“Seipasa is committed to giving producers efficient, cost-effective, sustainable solutions for treating their crops. Our strategy is to reinforce our position in the Mexican market based on the guarantee of quality provided by phytosanitary registration These are products that have undergone extensive testing and have a long-standing international track record. They are products that are being used in agricultural systems all over the world and this gives us essential information and experience that we use to continuously improve our products’ effectiveness and performance in the field”.

Pirecris、Seipa System 和 Seican 已获得 OMRI 的有机农业认证。