

来自欧盟委员会、成员国和八个食物链组织的代表首次共同讨论了在植保产品授权新规下,特种作物和次要用途作物保护解决方案的挑战和未来。 11 月 4 日举行的会议就四个要点达成了普遍共识:

– Protection of specialty crops and uses: Minor use authorizations ensure the protection of high value specialty crops and uses that contribute to the availability of high-quality healthy and affordable food for all consumers.

– Greater coordination: There is a need to have specific EU workgroups and coordination units to look at minor use issues and find common crop protection solutions for specialty crops. The Commission’s commitment given at the Conference to re-instate these groups was supported by all participants.

– A step toward improved cooperation: The workshop was a first step and broader cooperation between all the players in the public and private sector is required, including wider cooperation with third countries. Such cooperation needs to have a holistic approach that will also consider the implications of the implementation of the Sustainable Use Directive.

– Minor use fund: The IR-4 program from the United States is an excellent model that provides solutions and has shown a high return on the investment made. A similar approach could be beneficial in Europe.