
欧盟不会续签去年底暂停并将于明年 1 月到期的对中国草甘膦的 30% 草甘膦关税。欧洲草甘膦协会于 9 月撤回了延长草甘膦关税的请求,欧盟正在结束其反倾销调查。

The biggest beneficiaries during the decade-long trade protection were the European divisions of Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of glyphosate, and Syngenta, the largest producer of pesticides. After extremely favorable glyphosate prices in 2008, oversupply of the active forced prices to historically low levels in 2009. The supply glut is still working its way through the distribution chain, keeping prices depressed and forcing multinational manufacturers to reduce its pricing structure to compete in global markets.

The decision is expected to be published in the EU’s 公报 到今年年底。

欧盟对中国草甘膦的关税始于 1998 年的 24% 税,并在 2000 年提高到近 50%。2002 年,当官员声称中国公司通过使用台湾和马来西亚的出口公司绕过法律时,它包括其他国家。该税于 2004 年降至 29.9%,并于 2009 年 5 月暂停。

Industry analysts widely considered the tax unnecessary as over-capacity has effectually commoditized glyphosate in global markets. Additionally, EU is considered a mature agricultural market, and the bloc’s pesticide value fell almost 8% this year after adjusting sales for inflation and currency exchange. Read the full story on performance of global markets in 2010.
