CropLife America 在 EPA 诉讼中提出动议

CropLife America (CLA) together with Responsible Industry for a Sound Environment (RISE), Mid America CropLife Association (MACA), Western Plant Health Association (WPHA), and Southern Crop Production Association (SCPA) filed a motion to intervene in Center for Biological Diversity and Pesticide Action Network North America v. Environmental Protection Agency. If CLA’s role as an “intervenor” is granted, CLA will become a party to the lawsuit, according to a press release.

“CLA stands behind protecting vulnerable species and their habitat, but this lawsuit is the wrong way to approach the problems within the ESA consultation process,” said Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CLA in a prepared statement. “Although current litigation brings the broken process to light, it will not serve to correct the problems that lie at the heart of ESA; sound policy and stakeholder collaboration are essential to making consultations work.”

该诉讼于 2011 年 1 月 19 日提起,指控 EPA 违反了 ESA,因为它没有就 49 个地区 380 多种活性成分杀虫剂对 214 种受威胁和濒危物种的潜在影响咨询美国鱼类和野生动物管理局以及国家海洋渔业局国家,根据发布。

据 CLA 称,诉讼范围之广增加了美国农业大范围潜在产品限制的可能性。

“It is imperative that CLA, RISE and our allies intervene to ensure modern agriculture has a voice in this lawsuit which could significantly reduce the availability of crop protection and pest control products across the country,” said Doug Nelson, executive vice president and general counsel for CLA in a prepared statement. “Our goal is to guarantee that ESA consultations are rooted in sound science.”
