Italpollina 荣获 2018 年生物刺激素 AgriBusiness 全球行业影响力奖

Italpollina 是有机肥料、有益微生物和天然生物刺激素生产领域的世界领导者,已被指定为就职典礼的接受者 AgriBusiness Global 行业影响力奖 用于生物刺激素领域。

Italpollina USA Inc. 商务副总裁 Jon Leman 代表公司接受了 AgriBusiness 全球行业影响奖。

奖项的颁发发生在高潮 AgriBusiness Global Biostimulant CommerceCon event, which was co-located with the Trade Summit in Phoenix, Arizona. Jon Leman, commercial vice president for Italpollina USA, accepted the award on behalf of the company. In his acceptance remarks, Leman expressed appreciation on behalf of Italpollina and recognized the company’s ownership, the Bonini family, for their “continued leadership in sustainable agriculture.”

Meister Media Worldwide 和 AgriBusiness Global 的业务经理 Rebecca Bartels 介绍了该奖项。这一享有盛誉的奖项授予生物刺激素行业的公司,该公司利用产品创新解决了全球生物刺激素行业的挑战和独特的增长机会;成功实施了基于战略合作伙伴关系、下游价值链教育以及关键市场识别和渗透的分销战略;并开展了一场变革性的营销和传播活动,将新兴趋势从虚拟未知转变为农业综合企业市场的标准。评审由专家小组执行 全球农业企业l Biostimulant CommerceCon 支持合作伙伴和协会领导,以及 AgriBusiness Global 母公司 Meister Media Worldwide 营销和传播主管。颁发的奖品包括价值近 $25,000 美元的综合媒体包。

“We are delighted to present the AgriBusiness Global Industry Impact Award to Italpollina,” said Eric Davis, managing director of the AgriBusiness Group, Meister Media Worldwide. “Italpollina illustrated a core commitment to education, communication, R&D and its distribution approach to ensure its biostimulant products are utilized effectively throughout the supply chain and with farmers around the world.”

Italpollina 在先进的作物营养方面有着悠久的历史,并表现出对创新和可持续性的持续承诺。 50 多年来,Italpollina 一直利用科学以更自然的方式促进农业发展和开发解决方案,并因其对人类健康和环境保护的关注而获得多项重要国际认证。

该公司在 80 个国家/地区开展业务,并已发展成为有机肥料、有益微生物和 100% 植物基生物刺激素生产三项专有技术的全球领导者。质量、创新和尊重自然是公司的主导价值观。对研究和技术的不同寻常的关注是他们工作的核心——两个研发中心就是例证,第三个 Italpollina Park 计划于 2018 年晚些时候在安德森新投产的工厂附近破土动工。

“We are very thankful and honored to be named the recipient of this important award that recognizes the most innovative aspect of our company — our commitment to research and the resulting new technologies for sustainable agriculture,” said Luca Bonini, CEO of Italpollina. “We are optimistic as we look to the future knowing that the biostimulants of today are a bridge to future, even more exciting, technologies.”