SipcamRotam 将推出首个已注册、后专利的甲基磺草酮预混剂

在成功推出含有甲基磺草酮的 Bellum 除草剂之后,SipcamRotam 现在正在向玉米市场推出两种新的甲基磺草酮预混剂。 Rotam 最近从美国环保署获得了 Evinco 和 Vilify 除草剂的注册。该公司的最新产品是第一个上市的甲基磺草酮注册后专利预混剂。这些产品将为玉米种植者在 2017 年及以后管理杂草抗性和控制破坏性阔叶杂草提供绝佳选择。

Bellum herbicide was first introduced in 2015. With a continued investment into the product family of Mesotrione, Evinco and Vilify were developed. Evinco contains two active ingredients – Mesotrione and Metolachlor while Vilify contains three active ingredients – Mesotrione, Metolachlor, and Atrazine. These products will give growers multiple modes of action and exceptional weed control performance and yield in corn.

“Evinco 和 Vilify 将成为市场的重要补充。这些除草剂对种植者来说是一种有效且经济的选择。我们很高兴推出这些产品。”营销副总裁 Amy Frasier 说。

新的除草剂对抗性和其他难以控制的阔叶杂草具有出色的防治效果。此外,与竞争性玉米除草剂相比,这些预混剂可提供更持久的残留控制和更大的应用灵活性。 Evinco 和 Vilify 是美国玉米种植者的理想选择。

“SipcamRotam strives to stay ahead of the challenges growers face while providing them with exceptional products at great value,” says Adam Burnhams, general manager.