ICL 收购 Precision Ag Company Growers Holdings

ICL (以色列化工),一家全球特种矿物和特种化学品公司, 已获得 种植者控股公司,作为流程和数据驱动农业领域的创新者,随着 ICL 进一步增强其数字服务产品并加速其全球发展路线图。

Growers’ agronomic services platform enhances decision-making capabilities for farmers, agronomists, and other ag professionals by creating easily adaptable and executable data-driven recommendations.

Growers 平台收集和构建人工和机器生成的农场数据,立即为种植、施肥和采购决策创建灵活且以回报为中心的计划,这些计划被传输到农业机械,以便轻松进行现场应用。总部位于 北卡罗来纳州罗利, Growers 雇佣了一支由数据科学家、工程师、开发人员和农艺师组成的团队,为美国快速增长的客户群提供服务

“The acquisition of Growers expands and strengthens our offering of agro-digital services and our capability to develop innovative solutions to generate higher agricultural yields and more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices,” said 拉维夫佐勒, ICL 总裁兼首席执行官。
