拜耳在蒙海姆推出新的 LifeHub,专注于欧洲农业的未来

作为拜耳不断致力于开发创新解决方案以应对农民、消费者和我们的星球所面临挑战的一部分,该公司宣布了 LifeHub Monheim 的正式启动,这是一个未来以合作为中心的设施,位于拜耳全球作物科学园区德国蒙海姆的部门总部。

作为拜耳全球 LifeHub 网络的最新成员,LifeHub Monheim 将汇集来自欧洲各地的创新者、企业家和科学家,分享知识、经验和资源,帮助为世界不断增长的人口实现可持续的粮食安全。为了促进有助于实现欧盟绿色协议目标的创新科学方法和与社会对话,LifeHub Monheim 将与来自欧洲开放创新生态系统的领先创新者合作,为各种规模的合作伙伴提供专业知识和资源。绿色协议是欧盟委员会在 2050 年实现净零碳排放和循环经济的路线图。

“The challenges that agriculture faces in feeding a growing population in spite of accelerating climate change and extreme weather events are bigger than anyone can solve alone,” said Bob Reiter, Head of Research and Development for the company’s Crop Science Division. “Making sure that we are a supportive part of the innovation ecosystem is a critical way to ensure that novel solutions for these issues get the support they need. Our global network of LifeHubs is an important way to connect with leading innovators locally and to support where Bayer can help make the most impact.”

新 LifeHub 的永久住所计划在 2023 年和 2024 年的不同阶段完成,但该中心已经开始在德国建立关系,特别是在北莱茵-威斯特法伦州,通过其临时设施举办合作活动。

2022 年 5 月,LifeHub 与拜耳科学家一起参加了与欧洲创新研究所联合举办的创业推介日, EIT食品. In November, a second pitch day is planned with “高科技 Gründerfonds,” a leading German venture capital investor for innovative technologies and business models. As part of the kick-off today, Bayer hosted a gene editing symposium on the Monheim campus, bringing together leaders from around the world to discuss trends and discoveries in this rapidly advancing field.

“Building a community of innovators starts by bringing people together, and that’s what LifeHub Monheim is all about,” said Axel Trautwein, Head of Regulatory Science at Bayer’s Crop Science Division. “From decision makers and financial resources to scientists, the Bayer LifeHubs around the world make connections and pair resources and expertise with those that need them. We’re excited to be showing so clearly our commitment to the growing innovation ecosystem of Germany and can’t wait to see what we discover together.”