EOS 数据分析与 Epik Systems 合作

EOS 数据分析 (EOSDA),一家人工智能卫星图像分析的全球供应商,已与 Epik 系统 (Epik),总部位于圣地亚哥的 SocratesAg 开发商,这是一个以移动为中心的农场和碳管理平台 (FCMS),可实现小型农场的高效运营和可持续性。

两家公司计划使用 EOSDA 高分辨率图像和卫星分析为 SocratesAg 的客户(主要是小农)提供有价值的数据,以支持他们 精耕细作 和温室气体 (GHG) 的跟踪、测量和缓解。

根据 USDA(美国农业部) 研究,北美有超过 170 万个小型农场在不到 1000 英亩(400 公顷)的土地上经营,其中一半农场的平均占地面积仅为 81 英亩(33 公顷)。

“However, such small farmers are being challenged to produce more for less sustainably, without access to necessary digital transformation tools,” said Kevin Hannah, Vice president of product marketing at Epik.

从美国开始,然后扩展到墨西哥,EOSDA 和 Epik 将把卫星技术引入尚未从中受益的农田,以进行精准农业和参与碳市场所需的碳监测、报告和验证。

“EOS Data Analytics is delighted to announce the partnership with Epik Systems to contribute to the AgriTech market growing in the U.S. and Mexico,” said Rim Elijah, VP of Sales at EOS Data Analytics. “We have big expectations from partnering with AI & Machine Learning experts who use technology to help make our planet a better place to live. EOSDA platforms are supporting precision agriculture, and now, together with Epik Systems, we are also able to play a key role in farm-level carbon management.”

伙伴关系的目标是到 2022 年底监测 250,000 公顷农田,并在接下来的几年扩大覆盖范围。

此外,合作伙伴打算出售 EOS 作物监测 大型农场的平台需要先进的农业分析来做出深思熟虑的作物种植决策。

“Together, Epik and EOS Data Analytics provide an easy-to-use mobile-centric solution affordable for small-scale farmers and deliver firstly farming operations value, secondly sustainability and future carbon credit monetization,” Hannah said.

气候变化 对小型农场产生重大影响。然而,根据可持续研究与教育 (SARE) 学习, 农民仍犹豫要不要收养 可持续农业实践免耕农业, 覆盖作物,减少化肥的使用等。这种谨慎态度背后的原因是缺乏财政资源、可靠的信息和经济激励。要促使农民在日常活动中实施创新农业技术,关键是要突出精准农业的经济优势。

SocratesAg 和 EOSDA 提供满足碳市场报告和验证标准所需的基于活动的数据,以支持向使用可持续做法的农民付款。

“Epik is building solutions to help the small-scale farmer contend with the operational and sustainability challenges of 21st-century farming,” Hannah said. “Our partnership with EOSDA provides essential satellite data today, but more exciting for us is the opportunity afforded with the launch of the first true agro-focused satellite constellation EOS AgriSat.

“We are particularly excited about EOSDA’s plans to launch seven optical satellites into a Low Earth Orbit that, with an almost 10-fold increase in resolution, enables Epik’s SocratesAg platform to account for additional sustainable practices such as planting shelterbelts. Satellite data together with AI are going to be key elements in building a Farm Digital Twin capable of operational and carbon management modeling.”

到 2022 年,公司希望开始使用 EOSDA 高分辨率图像和其他卫星数据作为支持 SocratesAg 平台的土壤(碳)管理引擎人工智能的数据源。两家公司也期待在人工智能的帮助下探索基于人工智能的森林生物量计算引擎的能力。 EOS森林监测.

农业的未来在于精准农业和碳管理的交叉点。 EOSDA 和 Epik 将共同努力,向更多小农户介绍现代技术并帮助他们了解其实用价值。