EU: Biofuels Growing, But Behind Schedule

The proposed package includes legally binding targets, but allows each Member State to determine the best renewable energy mix for itself.

The EU is the world’s largest producer of biodiesel, which accounts for about 80% of the total EU biofuel market. At the end of 2006, biodiesel production capacity in the EU-27 was estimated at around 8.7 million metric tons (MMT).


Ethanol is the second largest biofuel in the EU, representing the remaining 20% of biofuel production. Ethanol production and production capacity are also expected to increase. Ethanol production, estimated at 1.36 MMT for 2006, is projected to increase to 3.7 MMT in 2008.

The increases will be necessary to keep the EU on track to reach its targets, which at the moment is already behind schedule.

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