World Scientific Author Awarded the 2012 World Food Prize

During the recent World Food Prize Laureate Award Ceremony, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commended Dr. Daniel Hillel for conceiving the radical innovation of micro-irrigation, a way of transporting water to crops in arid regions of the world.

Hillel’s technology, which involved dripping, trickling and providing continuous feed-irrigation, became the catalyst for a food production revolution in the Middle East. This approach also resulted in better land management and has impacted the lives of millions in more than 30 countries.


“We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Hillel on this prestigious award for the inspiring work that he has done for the benefit of so many all over the world,” said Max Phua, World Scientific’s executive director.

As part of his efforts to impart knowledge to the scientific community on issues pertaining to agricultural systems, biology and climate change, Hillel is currently in collaboration with World Scientific to publish the Handbook of Climate Change and Agroecosystems, dedicated to elucidating the actual and potential agronomic impacts of climate change, and to formulating effective responses to this global challenge.

Source: World Scientific, edited by FCI Staff

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