CropLife America Responds to the EFSA Review of Glyphosate

CropLife America (CLA), offers its response to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recent reevaluation of glyphosate. The newly completed, comprehensive review by EFSA concludes that the widely used product is “unlikely to pose a carcinogenic hazard to humans.”

“This is a crucial and science-based peer review that raises important questions about the selective inclusion and interpretation of data by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) that led to an inconsistent and erroneous conclusion earlier this year,” noted Jay Vroom, president and CEO of CLA. EFSA says it reached the new conclusion by assessing more evidence which included additional key studies not considered by IARC. Vroom added, “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is also underway with a new risk assessment for glyphosate, which CLA eagerly awaits.”


CLA members actively support science-based regulation, and CLA believes that the thorough risk assessment method used by most pesticide regulators is a more logical and scientific approach for product evaluation as compared to the limited studies and hazard-only evaluation process followed by IARC.

Read the EFSA update to glyphosate’s toxicological profile.

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