Bestcure, Biolasting Approved as Biological Pesticides in Peru

The Sub-directorate of Agricultural Inputs of the Directorate of agricultural inputs and agro-food safety of the National Agricultural Health Service, SEINASA, Peru, has approved Bestcure and Biolasting, both vegetable extracts, as biological pesticides for agricultural use. Both products have been fully researched, developed and manufactured by Futureco Bioscience, and are expanding their commercialization worldwide.

Bestcure, approved with PBA-EV certificate No. 12-SEINASA, is a citrus-based plant extract rich in ascorbic acid, citric acid, phytoalexins and bioflavonoids, which enhances the natural defenses of plants and acts as a biofungicide and biobactericide against pathogens that cause the rot and infections that generate more economic losses for farmers around the world.


Biolasting, approved with PBA-EV certificate No. 13-SEINASA, is also a citrus-based plant extract, in this case for post-harvest application. Biolasting reduces the risk of economic losses due to the lapse between harvesting and consumption of fruits and vegetables, prevents infections, pathogens and putrefactions, and helps to preserve the natural aroma of fruits and vegetables under storage conditions.

Rafael Juncosa, CEO of Futureco Bioscience, states that: “Our slogan ‘Good for your crops, good for the environment’ summarizes the benefits of the Bestcure, for pre-harvest, and Biolasting, for post- harvest. Our company makes available to Peruvian agriculture important tools for the control of fungi and bacteria that fit perfectly with the vision of the new agriculture in Peru, with the demands of the international consumer and the protection of the environment.”

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