Corteva Agriscience Building New Biologicals Portfolio

Corteva Agriscience and M2i, a leader in the field of pheromones for biological crop protection, have announced a multi-year global agreements for the research, development, and global commercialization of pheromone-based insect control solutions.

The two companies will collaborate closely to bring to market M2i’s expansive portfolio of semiochemicals, which include pheromone-based products, for specialty and row crops. Combining technologies from Corteva and M2i, they also will develop novel solutions to help farmers control crop pests and extend the life of plant-based insect-control traits. Details of the agreement were not disclosed.


“Corteva Agriscience is committed to providing farmers with a range of choices for controlling pests, including products derived from natural origins,” said Susanne Wasson, President, Crop Protection Business Platform, Corteva Agriscience. “We’re excited to be working with M2i and their unique bio-degradable delivery mechanisms and formulations to develop new options for farmers.”

Continue reading at Corteva.

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