Sipcam Launches New Content Platform

Agriculturalists, technicians, distributors, and other ag professionals have at their fingertips Sipcam Contigo, a new content portal that offers tips for the most relevant crops in Spain, the latest trends and news, and insight from renowned experts in global agriculture.

This space aims to create a community where lovers of agriculture can grow, learn, and communicate in a multi-directional way. Through comments, videos, and social networks, users will be able to collaborate on this platform by sharing their opinions and concerns on a wide variety of topics such as biostimulants, organic farming, and improving crop yields, among others.


In addition, thanks to the multiple formats in which the information is located, Sipcam Iberia experts will be able to bring their best tips and all the news of the sector through videos, articles, interviews, and downloadable content such as SIPCAM cultivation guides.

Rosa Gallardo

Sipcam Contigo also has a collaborative section where researchers such as Rosa Gallardo, director of the ETSIAM of the University of Córdoba and godmother of the project, will provide insight on the most innovative topics of agriculture. Technicians and other ag professionals will also soon have an area where they can express their reflections and recommend their preferred growing strategies or products, among other issues.

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The platform also aims to bring upcoming company and industry events through our calendar and provides a summary of the day with the most relevant topics that have been addressed.

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