Regenerative Agriculture Gains Traction in Southeast Asia

In Thailand, very few farms incorporate organic or regenerative agriculture practices, so the use of chemicals remains the norm, writes Amy Brown at TriplePundit. To remedy that situation, Harmless Harvest, a maker of coconut-based products, decided to join forces with partners to launch the Regenerative Coconuts Agriculture Project (ReCAP). The organizations say this is the first of its kind project in Thailand and has the goal to transform coconut agricultural practices and fight climate change through expansion of regenerative farming techniques.

With partners including Danone Ecosystem Fund and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany’s main agency for international cooperation and development, ReCAP will provide farmers with training curriculum on topics including farm management, soil health and regenerative agriculture. The program also suggests best practices to increase biodiversity and farmer resilience through intercropping, cover crops, bee-keeping, and organic inputs.


As Harmless Harvest CEO Ben Mand told TriplePundit, the company “has been the main driver of sustainable agriculture practices in Thailand ever since we started sourcing our Nam Hom coconuts in 2011, but our footprint remains small. We hope that our actions on the field serve as a catalyzer for the implementation of better farming practices across the entire Thai coconut industry.”

Continue reading at TriplePundit.

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