U.S.: Gowan Herbicide Now Registered for Use in Onions, Expansion of Other Crop Groups

Gowan Company, L.L.C. has announced Federal registration of Sonalan HFP Herbicide for use in Onion subgroup 3-07A, Hemp and Stevia, and expansion from Dry beans, Dry Peas, and Potatoes to crop groups; Dry-shelled Bean, except soybean, crop subgroup 6-22E, Dry-shelled Pea crop subgroup 6-22F; and Vegetable, Tuberous and Corm, crop subgroup 1C. With Federal registration in hand, labels have been sent for approval to all states where Sonalan HFP is registered.

This effort included extensive trial work with private cooperators and universities and IR-4’s work in Hemp, Stevia, and crop group expansion. This registration also marks the first U.S. tolerance of a herbicide for use in hemp.

In addition to the crops listed above, Sonalan HFP Herbicide is labeled for use in Peanuts, Oilseed – Rapeseed crop subgroup 20A (including Canola), Oilseed Sunflower crop subgroup 20B, and Soybeans.

Sonalan HFP Herbicide is a FRAC Group 3 DNA herbicide containing ethalfluralin in a liquid EC formulation. It is tank-mix compatible with most pre-emergence herbicides for expanded control of annual grasses and key broadleaf weeds before emergence.

Ethalfluralin has been used for pre-emergence weed control in the industry for decades. “Federal registration of Sonalan HFP for Onions, Hemp, and Stevia illustrates Gowan’s commitment to bringing our customers effective products that improve their options and maintain a more sustainable business,” says Gowan product manager Ken Reh. “With Sonalan HFP, growers will benefit from extended weed control, minimizing competition for water and nutrients, allowing the crop to yield to its maximum potential. In addition, Sonalan HFP is an excellent product for Herbicide resistance management programs.”