CPDA elige al gerente de la Fundación Exacto para su junta directiva

The CPDA, formerly known as the Chemical Producers & Distributors Association, has elected Exacto Foundation Manager Todd O’Connell to its board.

CPDA es el principal defensor de los proveedores de ingredientes inertes y adyuvantes y apoya a los formuladores, distribuidores y fabricantes de productos de tecnología de producción agrícola de cultivos y no cultivos post-patentados en cuestiones legislativas y reglamentarias federales.

As a chemist with 25 years of experience in the industry, O’Connell offers a distinctive set of skills and insight to agrotechnology issues and the importance of stringent communication with governing and regulatory agencies. He anticipates being an advocate for CPDA members and appropriate governmental regulation while helping to move the agrichemical field forward in a responsible manner.

After twelve years of working together, Exacto® Inc. president Diana Braun is well aware of the value that O’Connell contributes to any organization. “Todd’s election to the CPDA board of directors is a significant asset to the association’s membership at large.  With leadership, scientific rigor and discipline as his ‘true north,’ Todd will bring balance and impartiality to industry and peer relationships. I am proud to have him as a part of my Exacto team and am sure that the CPDA board will concur as they work with Todd on the issues that face its members and the industry,” Braun said.

Fuente: Exacto, editado por Stefanie A. Valentic, editora en línea