Bayer: Veredicto decepcionante requiere un análisis en profundidad

Bayer, que fabrica y comercializa imidacloprid y clotianidina, dijo estar decepcionada con la veredicto del Tribunal General de la Unión Europea sobre el asunto T-429/13 Bayer CropScience contra Comisión Europea.

El Tribunal ha dictaminado que el Decisión de la Comisión Europea de 2013, which restricted the use of certain neonicotinoids, was lawful. “Bayer will review the verdict in detail and assess its consequences and potential legal options,” the company said in a statement.

It continued: “Bayer decided to pursue legal action to gain clarity on the legal basis of the Commission’s decision, which – in Bayer’s opinion – was uncertain. Bayer remains convinced of the safety of its products when applied in accordance with the label instructions.”

The company’s statement said that the loss of neonicotinoid seed treatments “will have a huge impact on European sugar beet growers.”

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