Exosect se une al grupo de trabajo de IBMA

Empresa de biocontrol Exosect se ha convertido en miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Fabricantes de Biocontrol (IBMA) Grupo de trabajo de registro de SCLP, según un comunicado de la empresa.

Joining the group will allow Exosect to partner on regulatory matters with fellow biocontrol companies. Martin Brown, managing director of the company, said that “Under the UE agricultural/plant protection Directive 91/414, each active ingredient needs a separate Annex 1 listing in Europe, and each product using the pheromone needs to be registered, meaning that every manufacturer has to provide separate registration dossiers for each active and also for each product, even if in our case, we are just using the listed pheromones within our own products.”

David Cary, the Exosect representative for IBMA and the Task Force, added, “being part of the task force group, and with all the members working together, we have been able to submit one dossier between all the manufacturers for all SCLP pheromones, thereby sharing the cost of European registration and giving all members easy access to information on the listed pheromones. This will enable us all to register our crop protection products more efficiently for use across Europe.”

IBMA es una asociación mundial de industrias de biocontrol que producen microorganismos, macroorganismos, semioquímicos (incluidas feromonas) y pesticidas naturales para la protección de las plantas y la salud pública. Se formó en 1995 para representar los puntos de vista de los productores de control biológico, incluidos los fabricantes, las organizaciones de investigación, los servicios de extensión, los consultores y los distribuidores para ayudar a desarrollar la industria.