Marrone Bio Innovations anuncia el registro de bioinsecticida Venerate en California

Marrone Bio Innovations Inc. (MBI), un proveedor líder de productos de control de plagas y fitosanitarios de base biológica para los mercados de agricultura, césped, ornamentales y tratamiento de agua, anunció hoy que su bioinsecticida Venerate ya está registrado en California. El producto tiene como objetivo ayudar a los productores de California a controlar las plagas de insectos, combatir el desarrollo de resistencia a los insectos y reducir los residuos de pesticidas en frutas y verduras.

This new broad-spectrum bioinsecticide is active against a wide array of chewing and sucking insects and mites but is easy on beneficial insects. It features novel modes of action that stem from a diverse set of compounds produced by a bacterium discovered in MBI’s proprietary screening process. Venerate works via exposure or ingestion, whereby insects die over a period of five to seven days after being sprayed with, or feeding on treated plant surfaces.

“We are pleased with Venerate’s registration in California, one of the largest agricultural markets in the world,” said Pam Marrone, MBI’s CEO. “Today’s growers are faced with ever-increasing regulatory restrictions and an evolving problem of insects developing resistance to chemical pesticides with a single mode of action. Growers who traditionally employ those types of insecticides for crop protection can now leverage Venerate — which has multiple modes of action and a very low potential for insect resistance — to help them extend the useful life of chemical pesticides that have high resistance potential.”

Venerate está etiquetado para una amplia gama de cultivos y está aprobado para su uso en sistemas convencionales y orgánicos. Está disponible en una formulación líquida con flexibilidad para aplicar por tierra o aire, sin límite en la cantidad de aplicaciones permitidas por temporada y con un intervalo mínimo de reingreso de cuatro horas. El producto no es tóxico para los peces, las aves y la mayoría de los insectos beneficiosos, incluidas las abejas, y también tiene las ventajas de un intervalo previo a la cosecha (PHI) de día cero y una exención de las tolerancias de LMR (nivel máximo de residuos), una medida de plaguicida. límites de residuos que deben cumplirse para la mayoría de las exportaciones de cultivos alimentarios.

“Reducing growers’ and produce buyers’ concerns over pesticide residues is another important benefit of Venerate,” adds Dr. Carlos Reyes, VP of Product Development. “Virtually all produce that is exported from the U.S. is now subject to testing for pesticide residues. VENERATE — like its companion product Grandevo— is exempt from maximum residue level tolerances. Combine this with the zero-day PHI and growers can protect the quality and marketability of their crops right up to the day of harvest and greatly reduce the chance their crops will be rejected because of residues.”

Venerate joins Regalia biofungicide and Grandevo bioinsecticide in the lineup of MBI crop protection products and is the first biopesticide that has been developed from the company’s in-house discovery screening process. For more information about Venerate visit