Las ganancias del primer trimestre de Monsanto destacadas por las ventas de soja

Las sólidas ventas de soja, impulsadas por Intacta RR2 PRO, ayudaron a Monsanto Company a generar ganancias por acción para el primer trimestre del año fiscal 2015 por encima de las expectativas descritas al comienzo del año fiscal. Se proyecta que Intacta RR2 PRO superará su objetivo de 10-12 millones de acres.

Overall, sales for Monsanto’s Seeds and Genomics segment in the first quarter were $1.6 billion, led by the performance of the company’s soybean business — its fastest growing growth driver. The company also expects a positive impact following the USDA’s final Environmental Impact Statement concluding that Monsanto’s Roundup Ready 2 Xtend soybeans and Bollgard II XtendFlex cotton should be fully deregulated. During its annual update, Monsanto highlighted advancements across the industry’s broadest research and development pipeline, including its breeding, biotechnology, crop protection, microbials, BioDirect and Climate platforms.

“From progress in our Roundup Ready Xtend systems to advancements in highly-relevant disease-resistance breeding traits — as well as next-generation insect control products and upgrades in our Climate services — we are seeing incredible progress across our research and development pipeline,” said Dr. Robb Fraley, chief technology officer for Monsanto.

Las ventas netas en el primer trimestre del año fiscal 2015 para el segmento de Productividad Agrícola de Monsanto fueron de aproximadamente $1.2 mil millones. La compañía continúa anticipando que la utilidad bruta del segmento de Productividad Agrícola se reducirá hasta 10% en el año fiscal 2015, principalmente impulsada por los precios.

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