Los ingresos agrícolas de EE. UU. Caen por tercer año consecutivo

Los ingresos agrícolas netos en efectivo de EE. UU. Se pronostican en $90.1 mil millones y los ingresos agrícolas netos en $66.9 mil millones para 2016. Se pronostica que ambas medidas disminuirán por tercer año consecutivo después de alcanzar máximos históricos en 2013 para los ingresos agrícolas netos y 2012 para el efectivo neto. ingresos, dijo el Departamento de Agricultura de Estados Unidos.

Se espera que los ingresos agrícolas netos en efectivo caigan en 14,6% en 2016, mientras que se prevé que los ingresos agrícolas netos disminuyan en 17,2%. Estas disminuciones siguen a las reducciones porcentuales de 19.8% y 12.7% en los ingresos netos en efectivo y los ingresos agrícolas netos, respectivamente, que ocurrieron en 2015.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said, “Today’s forecast continues to show that the health of the overall farm economy is strong in the face of challenging markets. After reaching record highs in 2012-2014, net farm income declined in 2015 and is forecast to decline in 2016, but the bigger picture shows that farm income over the last five-year period reflects the highest average five-year period on record. The comprehensive farm safety net provided by the 2014 Farm Bill will continue to help America’s farmers and ranchers respond to market conditions and provide financial stability for producers. Farm Bill program payments are forecast to increase over 19% to $12.9 billion in 2016, primarily through Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) payments.

“As we saw in the August forecast, the estimates again show that debt to asset and debt to equity ratios — two key indicators of the farm economy’s health — continue to be near all-time lows, and more than 90% of farm businesses are not highly leveraged. Median household income for farming families remains near historic highs and is expected to remain stable relative to 2015. In 2016, higher off-farm earnings are expected to help stabilize losses due to low commodity prices,” Vilsack said.

Pronóstico completo: https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/farm-sector-income-finances/2016-farm-sector-income-forecast/