Las exportaciones de algodón de Pakistán aumentaron 50% durante el año pasado

Pakistán exportó un número récord de 1,5 millones de fardos de algodón entre julio de 2011 y junio de 2012, una cantidad de 50% que el millón de fardos exportados en 2011, según un artículo publicado en The Daily Times.

Las exportaciones generaron más de $425 millones en ingresos.

China and Southeast Asian countries – including Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Cambodia and Indonesia – were the top purchasers of Pakistani cotton, accounting for about two thirds of the total amount exported. The exported cotton was mostly sold in the 82-92 cents per pound range. India bought around 200,000 bales of light grade, which they are using in blends and exporting the material to Europe.

Of the country’s record production of 15.6 million bales (early projections were set for 14.5 million bales), Punjab was the top producer, generating 11.8 million bales. In spite of reaching an all-time high in 2011/12, the industry hopes that record won’t stand for long, with realistic projections topping 16 million bales for next year.

Fuente: The Daily Times, editado por Mike McCue, editor de Cotton International