What If Modern Agriculture Didn’t Exist?

The diversity of Washington D.C. restaurants is a sight to behold — and taste. From authentic Mexican or Chinese to Thai or Italian, any cuisine one can imagine can be found within the district’s limits. With such a plethora of food available for consumption, a person can only wonder what would happen if none of these options existed.

Organizations in the United States, many of which are based in Washington D.C., have made educating both farmers and consumers around the world about the importance of good agricultural practices. (See our USA Report in August to learn how some of these stewards of the industry work to advocate better agriculture policies.)

Globally, other countries around the world are struggling to adopt modern agriculture. Much of this reluctance is due to lack of resources and farmer education. Financial support from a variety of benefactors including the US government and private investors allows other organizations to travel directly to locations in Africa such as Ghana to introduce modern agriculture to local farmers.

Some of these same organizations are also fighting to protect the agrochemical industry domestically. Pending lawsuits in the United States initiated by environmental groups could harm modern agriculture, threatening the existence of a variety of crops susceptible to disease without the use of crop protection.

Industry members can help the advancement of agriculture through educating farmers, consumers and environmental advocates around the world about the impact modern crop protection has on our everyday lives. Without it, food security would be further comprised and the agriculture industry would suffer greatly.