France Pitches Its Carbon Farming System as Model for EU

As far as French agriculture minister Julien Denormandie is concerned, an EU framework for remunerating carbon farming should be modelled after France’s existing voluntary scheme, writes Julie Dahm at EURACTIV.

Denormandie used the opportunity of an informal agriculture ministers’ meeting that he hosted in Strasbourg at the beginning of February to present the French system of carbon credits to his European counterparts.

The ministers visited a dairy farm that already uses the system and heard from those involved on how the certification works in practice.

Carbon farming refers to agricultural practices geared towards capturing carbon from the atmosphere in the soil. While the European Commission is working on a proposal for an EU-wide legislative framework for certifying and remunerating such practices, France has made the issue a priority for its current presidency in the EU Council of ministers.

Denormandie has repeatedly pointed to France’s “already functional” system when questions arise on putting an EU-wide carbon certification system into practice.

Read more at EURACTIV.