FCI 贸易峰会:明星诞生


第一届年度 FCI 贸易峰会将全球各地的领导人聚集到加拿大多伦多。

第一届年度 农用化学品国际 Trade Summit  took flight at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto, Canada in August, and brought together key industry figures from around the globe for three days of meetings, networking, and business. Manufacturers, formulators, and distributors of crop protection and fertilizer products came to the event — the first of its kind — not quite knowing what to expect. But, since the event was hosted by 农用化学品国际,他们愿意试一试。



没有展厅。演讲很短,在早餐时进行。异常?是的。但它给了与会者尽可能多的时间来做他们要做的事情:与业内其他公司建立联系,并从他们在活动中的时间中获得真正的价值。对于 FCI 来说,这是会议的目标。



那些前来峰会寻找商业伙伴的人很快就排满了日程,这在一定程度上要归功于会前网站, www.fcitradesummit.com。 特里·基普利 乙酰农药 said the site “allowed for a profile of who was coming, who they are, and what they want to get out of the meeting. That made it really easy to connect with customers.”

That feeling was a common one at the Summit. “This was a very good start — from those I talked to, they all feel the same way,” said Roger Gilmore of 吉尔摩营销与开发。

蔡雪梅的 颖泰生物 noted the quality of the attendees: “Just wanted to say a big thank you to FCI, it is excellent. It is what I wanted: finding new friends … they are nice people and nice companies.”


2008 年峰会的计划已经在进行中,在第一次努力取得成功的基础上成为更大更好的活动。 FCI 旨在将第一次峰会的经验和反馈转化为下一步,发展展会,并继续提供与会者想要和期望的价值 农用化学品国际。

“I would definitely recommend the FCI Trade Summit,” said Elizabeth Shrivastava of Aimco Pesticides 总监,Samir Dave. “I would go back, and say you must definitely get there. I will for sure.”