
生物群落制造者 已宣布加入 从田间到市场:可持续农业联盟, bringing with it cutting-edge technology and soil health insights that will contribute to Field to Market’s mission of fostering transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement in the sustainability of food, feed, fiber, and fuel production in the United States.

Field to Market unites a diverse group of stakeholders, including growers, agribusinesses, food and beverage companies, conservation groups, academia, and more, all committed to driving sustainable practices in agriculture. The addition of Biome Makers as a member enhances the Alliance’s capacity to drive positive change throughout the industry.

At the heart of Biome Makers’ contribution is its innovative 贝作物科技,旨在解码土壤生物学的复杂性,以优化耕作方法并增强土壤健康。通过分析 45 个国家的 170 多种作物类型,这些丰富的数据成为宝贵的资源,增强了 Field to Market 成员的集体专业知识。

与传统方法不同,BeCrop 采用扩增子测序、先进的生态分析和机器学习算法,提供对支持可持续发展项目的土壤微生物组相互作用的复杂理解。通过利用数十年的研究和全球最大的农业微生物分类数据库,Biome Makers 揭示了对于高效、可持续农场管理至关重要的生态动态。

Biome Makers 联合创始人兼首席科学官 Alberto Acedo 博士表示:“我们对土壤健康的深入了解对于帮助公司和支持致力于可持续发展的项目至关重要。” “通过 BeCrop 技术,我们可以揭示有关产量提高、疾病风险以及各种管理方法的影响的宝贵见解,帮助这些项目推进和加强农业。”

Biome Makers’ inclusion in the Field to Market Alliance bolsters the collective drive toward sustainable agriculture. Together, they forge a path forward in advancing transparency, collaboration, and continuous improvement, ultimately ensuring a resilient and productive agricultural future.

Field to Market 总裁 Scott Herndon 表示:“Biome Makers 赋予农民权力并恢复全球土壤健康的使命与 Field to Market 的使命和目标非常一致。” “我们很高兴欢迎他们加入我们的会员,并期待共同努力,推动整个农业供应链生产力、环境质量和人类福祉的不断提高。”