
可持续发展是今年 10 月 16 日世界粮食日庆祝活动的重点。联合国粮食及农业组织呼吁建立更好的粮食系统,以战胜全球的饥饿和营养问题。

据粮农组织称,新的饥饿数据显示全世界有 8.42 亿人长期营养不良。粮农组织表示,不可持续的发展模式正在使自然环境退化,威胁着我们未来粮食供应所需的生态系统和生物多样性。

“We cannot improve nutrition without food security and we cannot achieve food security if we don’t have the right food systems,” FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva told the World Food Day ceremony in Rome, attended by government ministers, diplomats, heads of UN agencies and other dignitaries.

Da Silva said that although food systems produce enough food for everyone, over half of the world’s population is affected by either over- or under-consumption. In addition, loss and waste of food products affects one-third of global food production.

“The economic costs of hunger are striking. They can amount to as much as 5 percent of global income through lost productivity and direct health care costs,” he said. “The flip side is the huge economic benefits that could results from ending hunger and malnutrition.”


观看世界粮食日网络直播, 全球粮食损失和浪费:从减少到预防可持续农业粮食系统。”