Eden 就 B2Y 杀线虫剂达成协议

Eden Research Plc signed an exclusive option agreement with Taminco BVBA’ s crop protection division to conduct market and regulatory trials with B2Y, Eden’s nematicide product. The agreement comes following a series of successful field trials conducted during the second half of 2014. Taminco BVBA is a subsidiary of Eastman Chemical Company.

杀线虫剂 B2Y 使用 Eden 的天然活性成分, GO-E里面, Eden的天然微胶囊技术。

“Since August 2014, Taminco has been evaluating Eden’s nematicide product, B2Y, and has seen very good results.” said Sean Smith, Chief Executive Officer of Eden. “As such, Taminco has decided to further evaluate the product and expand the trial work to a much larger scale with a view to registering and ultimately selling the product on a global basis.”

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