

“We’re back in a situation where the farming economy is positive in many parts of the world and farmers are buying more products,” Dr. Matthew Phillips, analyst and consultant for 菲利普斯·麦克杜格尔,在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的 FCI 贸易峰会上发表主题演讲时说。

FCI 贸易峰会是一个实用的商务会议,由领先的公司组成,聚集在私人商业环境中。全体会议在早餐时进行,包括市场领先的信息分析。代表们将剩下的时间用于商务会议。

峰会在布宜诺斯艾利斯举行了五周年庆典,有来自 30 个国家的 500 多名与会者、65 家参展商和 20 家赞助商。

菲利普斯在演讲中表示,全球人口增长、经济增长和饮食变化也将影响该行业。 Phillips 说,如果维持目前的经济状况,到 2015 年,农化行业将以每年 2.2% 的速度增长。

India and China have driven growth in the Asian market. As Indian farm incomes increase, the use of crop inputs has become more widespread. However, recent drought in Southern China has depressed the country’s growth potential.

Phillips 说,美元的货币波动使澳大利亚谷物市场受益。较高的农作物价格抵消了该国粮食市场的货币变动。


“Delayed planting in the US has raised concerns about what the harvest will actually be,” Phillips says.


新产品的开发和推向市场的平均速度已从 1995 年的 8.3 年扩大到 2005 年的平均 9.8 年,使公司在专利到期前收回投资的期限更短。

正因为如此,公司正在转向仿制药销售以保持收入来源的流动。菲利普斯说,近年来通用市场份额稳定在 30% 左右。

“R&D companies are selling more products in the generic industry than they have been in many years,” he says.


第二天,Nigel Uttley 博士 谜营销研究 讨论了南美洲专利后农用化学品制造商和分销商的机会。该演讲概述了未来几年活性物质专利失效的潜在市场份额机会,以及如何驾驭各国的监管框架和知识产权。

“There are 24 active ingredients coming off patent between 2011 and 2015, and if you want a piece of those markets, then now is the best time to start researching and identifying compounds,” Uttley told FCI Trade Summit attendees.

Uttley’s discussion outlined South American countries with emerging agricultural economies and demand drivers adding to the growth of crop protection.