
Monsanto Company said it would pay Syngenta a $2 billion break-up fee if it was unable to get the appropriate regulator approvals to complete a purchase. In a letter to shareholders, Syngenta Chairman of the board Michel Demaré, and CEO Mike Mack “a wholly inadequate reverse regulatory break fee” and said Monsanto’s second salvo “represents the same inadequate price, same inadequate regulatory undertakings to close, same regulatory risks and same issues associated with dual headquarters’ moves.”

Monsanto’s second offer reiterated a price of $477 (449 CHF) per share. The proposal “would provide Syngenta shareholders with a substantial premium of more than 43% over the $334 (314 CHF) unaffected share price on April 30, 2015 and a more than 45% premium to Syngenta’s 52-week volume weighted average share price,” according to a 从孟山都释放.该交易还将通过对合并后公司的持续所有权创造价值。

“我们的股东、客户和其他利益相关者对我们提议的反应令我们感到鼓舞,”孟山都董事长兼首席执行官休·格兰特 (Hugh Grant) 说。 “令人失望的是,先正达没有就这种组合的诸多好处进行实质性讨论,包括对世界各地农民的好处。我们仍然致力于释放这种合并的机会,并寻求与先正达管理层和董事会的建设性对话。孟山都投入了大量时间和资源来分析与先正达的潜在合并,我们有信心获得所有必要的监管批准。我们通过同意剥离重叠业务并提供 $20 亿反向分手费来支持我们的信心,以进一步证明我们对这一合并的承诺。”

在一个 致股东的信, Syngenta executives responded to the latest offer saying “if a transaction were to be announced and not consummated, there would be significant harm and value destruction for Syngenta and its shareholders, which requires a careful assessment of all risks and a clear path to closing, and is in no way adequately addressed by a paltry reverse regulatory break fee relative to such fees seen in transactions with comparable levels of regulatory risk.

“Further, Syngenta’s Board, in conjunction with its legal advisors, does not think the regulatory issues are resolved as simply as by a pre-agreed and pre-announced package of horizontal divestitures, which is Monsanto’s proposed approach.”